Wednesday 26 March 2008

This stations a bit of an oddity in that in ONLY seems to be available on wifi radio's. Searching for the station on google or going straight to the station name, takes you to a placeholder site. No links to the station, no links to much at all...

But what about the station on wifi radio? It came up under the genre 'Bluegrass', but to my untrained ears, it definitely has a heavy country influence in it's playlists. I better start off by saying that country and western music isn't my normal genre, I don't especially dislike it, but other than the odd Johnny Cash CD I'm not a big listener. Having said that I really enjoyed the music on this station, I really enjoyed the mix of tracks played. The songs were interesting and that little bit different from my normal tastes while being accessible enough not to put me off. I didn't recognise even one artist or track, alhough that's probably no bad thing given my main knowledge of C&W finished at Shania Twain and that fella who had an achy breaky heart. Overall the music was a nice gentle introduction to a new genre.

Connection to the station via wifi radio was simple and relatively problem free. The station dropped every now and then, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Station jingles were relatively short and well intergrated with the music really not interrupting the flow of the station.

All this leaves us it the mystery of the missing website, a shame really as the station should be one to try out, but without a front end on the web I feel they're really missing out on most of their audience.

The disappointing lack of a front end website is just outweighed by the excellent blend of music to give a TURN-ON rating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a bluegrass fan (and amateur musician , banjo and guitar).
I purchased my Com One Phoenix wifi radio maninly to access bluegrass from UK ($60 in a closing down sale whilst I was in New Hampshire).
I added some bluegrass stations that I found. Had to go to and add the details one evening ,whereupon they were magically there the next morning.
I added and WDVX. , both good. Also added KFRG FM in LA as I remembered that Country station from previous USA trips. Chris Muriel, Manchester