Tuesday 11 March 2008


It must be my favourite type of music at the moment (either that or I didn't want my second review to be about a 'normal' radio station), as Lounge-Radio.com also plays a fair selection of swing and gentle jazzy tunes. They describe themselves as offering "light summer-plate consisting of downtempo and fresh beats of nujazz - dipped into the warmth of brazil electro and finely served with a breath of ambient". Like overblown dishes on a pub menu where goujons of cod with hand made pommes-frite disguises a perfectly acceptable helping of fish and chips, I'm not sure these trendified lables for the radio stations actually help people understand what the station will be playing.

I'm happy to report that Lounge-Radio.com plays a good mix of swing, chillout music, often with a slight latin beat. All good stuff if rarely recognisable as a classic reading through the playlist on their site confirms that they stay away from "mainstream" artists, but in this case it's no bad thing. This is definitely not floor filler high energy stuff, but it's good music for the tale end of a party or a chilled out BBQ.

Lounge-Radio.com is another listener sponsored station, so is low on adverts. I've also not heard a plea for cash during the broadcst, but there is an occasional "you're listening too.." in the now standard deep voiced american accent. I've not noticed any gaps in the service and have no problem getting a connection or the connection dropping.

The site is nicely laid out with easy access to the current playlist, it even tells you what's coming next. There's a forum discussing the music and station and links for musicians and DJ's to send in their work.

My current favourite station for everyday listening, Lounge-Radio.com gets a TUNE-IN rating.

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